4mtre Fabric.

Following on from the "Patterns de la Crass" post, this is our mid-semester review/submission piece for a 4metre length of printed fabric. For the rest of the semester, we are continuing with this theme - "this" theme meaning, whatever we've been working on.

The theme relevant to this length is about being "a hunter/hunted" and through that, trying to create a narrative of who hunts who. If you take a closer look, you'd notice that the targets are formed in triangular formations pointing to the hunter as well as having targets over certain aspects of the print.

It's mid semester. How time flies when you're having...


  1. FEELING this fabric. Did you design it? Keep up the "hard" work you reluctant genius you......

  2. this is real cool, kinda spookey with the faded print of the soldiers, but nice :)
